Lio ulcerated by Serge Gainsbourg, the famous singer returns to a terrible humiliation

It’s no secret that Lio doesn’t have his tongue in his pocket. This Wednesday, May 4, 2022, the interpreter of “Baby vampire” made a remarkable appearance in the Télématin program on France 2. Facing the camera, the star let it be known that she never carried Serge Gainsbourg in her heart. The reason ? According to her, the artist would have deceived France Gall as to the meaning of the iconic song “Les sucettes”. As a reminder, the hit makes countless sexual allusions…

As the singer pointed out, the main interested party would have – voluntarily – omitted to explain certain metaphors to her. “I think what we did to France Gall is disgusting. We made fun of her! I remember a show where she said with tears in her eyes that she had lost faith in the adult world when she realized that her father (who was her producer) and Gainsbourg had put her in this scopitone with acorn-shaped lollipops »annoyed Lio.

“I did not see the explosion that it was going to be”

According to the interpreter of “Fallait pas commence”, France Gall would have experienced this masquerade very badly. The happy mother of two children would have had a hard time moving on. “I don’t think it’s done,” specified the ex-coach of The Voice. Thanks to this episode, Lio knew what she was talking about by agreeing to perform her essential hit “Banana Split”.

“Yes, because I had heard France Gall”, she replied to Thomas Sotto who asked her about it. At the time, Lio unleashed passions wherever she went after the release of this famous single. “I did not see the explosion that it was going to be”, she confessed and clarified not without pride: “Even in my own family. I thought it wasn’t serious enough for that.” A period that the singer does not regret!


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