Linda Evangelista disfigured: her son Augustin had noticed changes, she says

Linda Evangelista was one of the most fashionable top models on the planet, participated in the parades of the biggest houses and made the cover of the most prestigious magazines. Today, she comes out of her reserve after hiding for years, following a cosmetic procedure that transformed her. The treatment even affected her relationship with her only son, from whom Linda hid the truth for a long time.

I shouldn’t be a burden on my child. He shouldn’t have to put up with me. It’s not his job“, entrusts a Linda Evangelista moved to People. The 56-year-old model appears on the cover of the new issue of the magazine, to which she tells of her last years spent out of sight. Linda was disfigured by the CoolSculpting treatment, a medical technique that promises to destroy fat cells in the body or face with cold. She underwent seven sessions between August 2015 and February 2016, which caused the appearance of paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, a rare complication that has the opposite effects of those initially sought.

Mom, do you remember when you were funny?

This operation of body contouring affected his health, his daily life and his relationship with Augustin, his only son, now 15 years old. “He was like, ‘Mom, remember when you were funny? Do you remember when you always laughed? Why don’t you laugh anymore?’ I hate the impact it had on my relationship with him.“, explains Linda to People.

She adds : “Raising him so he knows he’s beautiful and that we’re all beautiful is important to me. It’s terrible that I really mean it, except it doesn’t apply to me.

Linda Evangelista finally reveals that she waited before confiding in the teenager about this scandal: “I told him he would hear things, and he replied that he didn’t care and that he was there for me.

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