limit your purchases thanks to the drive


France 2

Article written by

M. Damoy, A.-C. Le Sann, J. Pelletier, F. Dumont – France 2

France Televisions

Consumers are multiplying their tricks to reduce the rise in prices. Thus, shopping by drive allows you to make promotions and make good deals.

Practical and fast, the drives also avoid temptation on the shelves. Faced with inflation, the drive has become a shield to spend less. At the end of the day, a drive in the Paris region is always full. “It’s more economical, more practical”testifies a mother. “We are more tempted by going to the stores. You see how there, we need food, we are not going to buy clothes”, says a man. Easier for customers to keep control, as drive-thru offers fewer products than supermarkets. “We will be around 10,000-10,500 references while a store will be at 35-40,000”testifies Kevin Boisbunon, store manager.

In France, in 2021, 32% of households used drives. However, the device would not only have advantages. “We are around 13% of missing products in the drive when we are more at 8-9% in the supermarket so that is very frustrating when we go shopping”explains Emily Mayer, retail expert at the IRI Institute.

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