Ligue 1 – Girondins de Bordeaux: “we will fight until the end” assures Josuha Guilavogui

The Girondins de Bordeaux have been stuck in last place in Ligue 1 for four games. After this new setback against Troyes (0-2), the 13th this season, the disappointment was difficult to digest hot, last Sunday. So the mixed zone remained silent, as far as the Bordeaux players are concerned. “Never again late“, immediately apologized this Wednesday, midfielder Josuha Guilavogui, during a catch-up press conference. The captain did not elude anything: the sinking against Estac, the dialog with supportersthe maintenancethe words of its president Gérard Lopez, the trip to Paris this weekend.

The supporters “responded present and we disappointed them”

IsWhat can you tell us about the atmosphere since last Sunday and the defeat against Troyes?

The atmosphere was very heavy after the game. It was a great disappointment because we wanted to take the three points. After the two games which were encouraging, we said to ourselves that this time at home, we were going to take this big step forward which would put us in a slightly more comfortable position to tackle this trip to Paris. It was very difficult after the match, and Monday too. And after, the coach was able to find the right words to remobilize us and tell us that we disappointed a lot of people. But the anger, we can only direct it towards ourselves because we did not respect what we had done in training.

What happened at the end of the match? You and Gaëtan Poussin are going to see the supporters in the South corner. Then you come back…

We wanted to go see the supporters with the security person and the supporters told us to go back to the locker room and honestly, I don’t blame them. I totally understand. Maybe I would have reacted the same way in their place. But what could we have told them? The Ultras corner was full. They responded present and we disappointed them. It’s not over yet, we’ll have to go get these points somewhere where no one is waiting for us. Maybe not directly with a victory in Paris, but we’re going there to take points and we’re not going there as the last in Ligue 1, that’s for sure.

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Manage my choices

What do you think of the words of Gérard Lopez who says that it is the fault of the players, almost exclusively and that we have the impression that it is the “brothers of the players who are on the field“?

No, it sure isn’t pleasant. But today, it’s the reality: we have not been able to meet our expectations. We are primarily responsible. We are the ones on the ground. The coach, the sports director or the president are there to give direction and then it’s up to us to apply. We did not know how to do it and I am convinced that we will reverse things. But I think that when we are 20th in Ligue 1, with the squad we have, we cannot tell our president “Be careful how you speak“. The president made the necessary recruitment. Now it is our responsibility. If you do your job badly, when your boss speaks badly to you, you shut up, you accept and you show the opposite on the field.

We will have to go and collect these points somewhere where no one is waiting for us – Josuha Guilavogui, captain of the Girondins de Bordeaux

Do you feel that this band has enough character to pull through?

Yes, I can feel it and it’s not going to happen overnight. This victory would have been oh so important to allow us to approach the next 15 days before the break in a slightly more comfortable situation. And precisely, to convey a slightly more positive message, not only to our teammates, but also to the supporters.

“There are 11 games left, I’m sure we’ll get through this”

Many observers already see Bordeaux in Ligue 2. What do you want to tell them, as well as the supporters who are hanging on to your results?

Given the dynamic that we have, it is sure that the football experts can see us already dead and buried. But this is not the case. There are 11 games and 33 points left to take and I’m sure we’ll get through this. Otherwise, there’s no point in going to Paris, you might as well go there with the U19s and tell yourself that we’re going to choose our matches. No, we are not in the situation where we can choose our matches. We haven’t found that dynamic yet. When we find her, I’m sure we’ll bring back points and wins.

Paris is not a bonus match […] For us, there are points to be played – Josuha Guilavogui

Do you feel that your teammates are aware of the danger that awaits the club as well as the employees, the city and everything that would involve a descent into Ligue 2?

Yes. Against Troyes, you saw how long it took me to leave the locker room. I can tell you that morale was very low and I think we should use that as a lesson to tell us that the danger is real. We were a bit like saying “It will do, we still have a lot of matches.“Of course, there are still matches but you have to take points otherwise it could be dangerous. You really have to realize that we are on a mission to maintain, it will be difficult until the end.

Isn’t the Paris match the perfect match to find each other, reunite and show other values?

The fact that no one is expecting us – if we manage to pull off a big performance – that will give us a little more hope. But also to those who support us. Paris is not a bonus match because that’s when you’re seventh and you have nothing left to play. For us, all points are welcome. It’s last against first, it’s David against Goliath. But I’m not going to cite all the historical facts where the small won against the big. In any case, we go there with this state of mind.

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