Lévis resident charged with terrorism

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) announce the laying of terrorism charges against a 51-year-old resident of Lévis. According to the police, he would have prepared an armed revolution on Quebec soil aimed at overthrowing the Haitian government of Jovenel Moïse, now deceased.

The charges are not related to the assassination of President Moïse, who was killed in January 2021. They relate to another alleged plot.

The investigation by the RCMP’s Integrated National Security Team (EISN) was triggered after a report from the City of Lévis Police Department, which had a certain Gérald Nicolas, 51, in the eye. According to the police, the Lévis resident planned to lead an armed revolution in Haiti to ultimately seize power in the country, which had long been plagued by political instability.

Mr. Nicolas will appear at the Quebec courthouse on 1er december. “It is alleged that the latter would have taken concrete actions, in particular by traveling to Haiti, in order to facilitate the organization of a group whose intention was to participate in a coup against the established authority”, affirms the RCMP in a statement.

The accused faces three counts, including leaving Canada to facilitate terrorist activity, facilitating terrorist activity and providing property for terrorist purposes.

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