Les GraveuZes at the Château d’Idron

There are 4 GraveuZes: Cécile CHOPIN, Sophie DARNAL, Sophie R’MARCHAND and Janine SOMSON. Their workshop is located at La Cour in Jurançon. In their studio, they carry out experiments, research and of course the production of prints, in an atmosphere of emulation and sharing. Their exchanges enrich them, stimulate them and encourage them to surpass themselves. Each of them develops in its own universe, resolutely figurative, purely graphic, abstract or experimental.

Introductory engraving workshops for everyone during the holidays

Introductory engraving workshops at the Château d’Idron during the All Saints holidays
Les GraveuZes

Les GraveuZes offer introductory engraving workshops for children (from 8 years old) and adults. Linocut and drypoint on Rhénalon (special engraving Plexiglas) are the two techniques covered. The duration of each workshop is 2:30 with one technique at a time. No need to know how to draw. They provide models and the means to reproduce them. And at the end, you leave with your drawing. They provide all the material: linoleum plate, Rhenalon plate, kit of 5 gouges, drypoint, ink, tarlatan, publishing paper, … and bring a nomadic press. Workshop: 25€ for 2h30. Package 1 parent + 1 child: €45 for 2h30.

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