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We thought the profession of songwriter had fallen into disuse, artists have brought it up to date. This is the case of Les Goguettes, four musicians who revealed themselves during confinement and who now fill rooms.
It is a songwriting tradition inherited from 19th century. To popular tunes, they make fun of the news, preferably politics. These four musicians have been hijacking songs for almost 10 years. Their notoriety took a hitaccelerator it not so long ago. Many of those who listen to them explain having discovered them during confinement, via videos.
Some videos were a hit, such as the one that covers Vesoul by Jacques Brel in a covidwhich has surpassed 5 million views. But if the pandemic gave them food for thought, it also deprived them of concerts for many months. When they returned to the stage, they felt they were “more expected, there were more people who knew us“, says Clémence Monnier, member of the group. Nothing escapes their amused gaze: ecology, religion, even food trends. So many songs that they can perform at the Olympia, between the two rounds of the presidential election.