Legault would be the least popular prime minister in Canada, according to Angus Reid

Support for François Legault continues to plummet; a poll released Monday even suggests that he has become the least popular prime minister in the country.

According to the Angus Reid firm, Mr. Legault has lost 16 percentage points in three months, which places him at the back of the pack, with a satisfaction rate of 31%, far behind all the other prime ministers.

This poor poll for Mr. Legault adds to those by Léger and Pallas Data, carried out in November, which suggested a drastic drop in his support among the population.

Read also

  • The CAQ slips behind the PQ in a poll and Legault promises “to do better”

The Prime Minister of Quebec is going through a difficult period, after a 30% increase in the salaries of MPs and having promised to subsidize the arrival of the Los Angeles Kings in Quebec when negotiating with the public sector.

Mr. Legault’s Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) also hastily resurrected the third Quebec-Lévis highway link following its crushing defeat in Jean-Talon.

François Legault reacted to the Léger and Pallas Data polls by saying he felt “pain” and understood that Quebecers were “angry” with him.

The Angus Reid poll was conducted from November 24 to November 1er December with 3,749 Canadians, including 602 Quebecers; its margin of error in Quebec is plus or minus 4%.

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