Learn classical music for free

All this is possible thanks to the incredible Demos program at the initiative of the Philarmonie de Paris… Its raison d’être: to give access to classical music to people in precariousness, who live in sensitive areas or in remote rural areas. reception places.

A national offer

The Demos program is everywhere in France, it relies on local structures : the Conservatory of Clermont-Ferrand, the National Orchestra of Avignon Provence, the Conservatory of the Pays de Montbéliard…And to access demos you go through the associations in the field: neighborhood houses, social centres, MJC, cultural service of the city… the groups are being made right now so contact one of these structures quickly if you are interested.

The conditions for applying

Be between 7 and 12 years old, and be co-opted by an association…Another condition: be motivated, because we are not talking about a small commitment: we are talking about 3 years of learning music more than 3 hours a week with professionals and the objective of playing in front of an audience and not disappointing them…

It’s probably much more than learning music, this is the opinion of Mattéo who is 20 years old today, he joined Demos at college in the Val de Marne, it changed his life .

To date, 10,000 children have gone through demos since 2010 and one in two has continued the music…for their pleasure, but also ours…

Do you know a way to save money, or earn more money? Contact Valère Corréard.

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