Laurent Ruquier discreet about his relationship with Hugo Manos: he finally explains himself!

The love story has been going on for almost five years now. But it was only last February that Hugo Manos (34) formalized his relationship with Laurent Ruquier (59). Since this announcement, the former godfather of reality tv angels now columnist for TPMP People (C8) indulges in a few unfiltered confidences on the subject. For his part, the former star ofWe are live (France 2) wants to be more discreet. With our colleagues from Parisianhe explains why.

First of all, Laurent Ruquier wants to make things clear. If her lover, who looks like a Greek god, talks about her couple without taboos, it is for a very specific reason. “He answers because we ask him“, he says then. And to explain himself a little more: “Me, I continue to be rather discreet and I do not have to impose my rule on him. In a couple, each must steer his boat as he sees fit. But we’ve been together a little over four years, so I don’t see why we should hide it.

Until very recently, the host was in charge ofWe are live alongside Léa Salamé. The program, which deals with political, societal but also cultural news, was broadcast on Saturday evening, in the second part of the evening, from 11:30 p.m. While Laurent Ruquier worked, Hugo Manos spent his evenings on his side. From now on, the one who was sentenced has paid an astronomical sum to his ex-producer Catherine Barma has his Saturday evenings free! And he intends to take the opportunity to spend crazy evenings with his other half. Finally… “Unless he works on Saturdays, who knows. Maybe Léa Salamé will hire him… She finds him very handsome, I think!“, he says with humor.

It is therefore not impossible that Hugo Manos will soon join the band ofWe are live, you never know … Remember that before possibly recruiting the charming brunette, Léa Salamé tried everything to retain Laurent Ruquier, in vain. “She even offered me several times to continue with her in recent weeks. But I was unhappy and when I’m not happy I walk away“, he indicates.

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