Laurent Ournac: Big fear in the car … Photo in support, he tells!

Laurent Ournac offered himself a great fright on December 2, 2021. The actor who plays Tom Delorme in Camping Paradise (TF1) was the victim of a car accident, an indicent that he told in an Instagram story to his subscribers.

There are days when it would be better to stay warm in the back of your bed … And Thursday was one of them for Laurent Ournac. In question, the bad surprise which he had while he was on the road, with his 4×4: “Today, I lost a wheel while driving“, he wrote in the caption of a photo, on which we can discover his car parked on the side of the road, with one wheel less. A publication which at the very least worried many Internet users, although rest of the car is in good condition.

Shortly after, Laurent Ournac therefore broke the silence in order to explain the situation: “I left home with my car, I was going to take my train. I drove 1 km and took a little pothole, you know it’s a hole in the road. I was driving 50 km / hour and I think my wheel thought I wasn’t going fast enough, so it wanted to get to the station before me. She got out of the car and passed me like that and finished her race, all alone, in a bush. And I ended up on three wheels, said Ludivine’s husband. He then clarified that he had seen his car to smoke” and “skid. “It makes the steering wheel move very hard but I managed to stop! The car is damaged but in any case, me, everything is fine “, he concluded.

All’s well that ended well for the dad of Capucine (9 years old) and Léon (2 years old), who took a good breath once his vehicle was stationary. Laurent Ournac was therefore able to continue his day and devote himself to his projects, including his arrival in the team ofHere it all begins. The 41-year-old man does not join the cast, as is the case with Michel Sarran, but arrives as a director. A new challenge that he will surely meet with flying colors.

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