Launch | The Trident unveils its new season

No doubt, it officially smells like spring when theater companies start unveiling their new programming. On Tuesday, the Trident in Quebec announced the titles for the 2022-2023 season. Sa 52and season which will also be the last programmed by Anne-Marie-Olivier.

Posted yesterday at 12:25 p.m.

Luc Boulanger

Luc Boulanger
The Press

The season will open on September 13 with the musical Cabaret, which had been postponed due to COVID-19, in a staging by Bertrand Alain, with choreography by Harold Rhéaume. will follow Alice!, a story for adults by Emmanuelle Jimenez, freely adapted from the work of Lewis Carroll. In co-production with the Théâtre Rude Ingénierie.

In January 2023, the classic of the repertoire on the discovery of sexuality, spring awakening by Frank Wedekind, will be adapted by David Paquet, and directed by Olivier Arteau. In co-production with Théâtre Denise-Pelletier.

In March, the magnificent and moving novel on the AIDS epidemic, Never wipe tears without gloves will be brought to the stage for the first time by Véronique Côté, directed by Alexandre Fecteau, in co-production with the Collective We Are Here.

In order to close the season, “in a very personal way of thanking the Trident audience”, artistic director Anne-Marie Olivier, who has announced that she will be leaving her post next June, will offer a new solo, Fifteen ways to find you. The actress will be directed by Maryse Lapierre.

Finally, as a bonus to this program, the trilogy A. OF THEM. THREE. by Mani Soleymanlou, will be on view at Le Trident at the end of October 2022. This great theatrical show will also be presented throughout the year across Canada; including in Montreal with Duceppe, and in Toronto with the Théâtre français. It is announced that 40 artists will be on stage!

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