Large families: A candidate in the emergency room after an incident, the details revealed

One of the candidates for Large families (TF1) had a big mishap last weekend. A story that the mother of eleven children told on her Instagram account, once recovered from her emotions.

Last week, Cindy Van Der Auwera had not hidden her joy at going to see Soprano in concert, on June 18, at the Orange Vélodrome (Marseille). It must be said that the former coach of The Voice is one of his favorite singers. She was therefore impatient to finally see him on stage on the occasion of his show which promised to be breathtaking. But not everything went as planned.

Cindy Van Der Auwera indeed said that she had experienced a mishap just before the Soprano concert: “I was supposed to speak to you yesterday, but as you can see, it was impossible. Last night heading to the emergency room, after work. Saturday, before the Soprano concert, I tripped over the security barriers“, she revealed on June 21, 2022.

Initially, Cindy Van Der Auwera thought it was a simple hematoma on her leg and therefore did not worry. But Sébastien’s wife quickly noticed that her elbow had doubled in size and that she was in severe pain, something to worry her about. She therefore passed an x-ray to find out what she was suffering from and revealed the diagnosis. “It is a lesion of the bone at the level of the elbow with an effusion of blood in the joint“, continued the mom of Camille, Hoani, Temoe, Vaitea and Colleen, Maxence, Loti, Eimeo, Tamahere, Hinaiti and Vainui.

In order to recover, Cindy Van Der Auwera must wear an arm sling, for a period that she did not disclose. “We review the program for the week, we have to reorganize everything. I would have a memory of your Sopra concert. You have to take it on the right side. But no worries, I’m fine. I keep the smile“, she however relativized. Then she revealed a photo of her leg injury with the title I keep the smile by Keen’V in the background.

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