Lance Stroll and Aston Martin to aim for ‘small points’ at Canadian Formula 1 Grand Prix

After a one-sided fight in favor of his illustrious teammate Fernando Alonso in 2023, Lance Stroll has ensured that the comparisons are less unfavorable to him this year. However, the Quebecer was far from rejoicing on Thursday during the Canadian Formula 1 Grand Prix.

For good reason, there is the constant decline in the performance of Aston Martin, which was excluded from the top 10 for the first time this season during the last race, in Monaco. Stroll and his team will therefore modestly aim for “small points” on the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit on Sunday.

“Eighth, ninth and tenth positions, that’s where we are now,” said Stroll, fatalistic. In Imola [il y a trois semaines], we finished in ninth position and it was a good race for us. »

However, last year, Aston Martin scored a sixth podium in eight races – all achieved by Alonso – at the Montreal event. The team has not done better than fifth place this season, a result signed by Alonso during the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix.

“The car is not as competitive as we want,” admitted Stroll. Last year, we were often in position to finish in the top 5 or on the podium, particularly at the start of the year. Now, a good weekend for us is one or two points. But maybe with the rain there will be opportunities. »

Rain could certainly muddy the waters since good probabilities threatened Notre-Dame Island for the three days of action, according to Thursday’s weather forecast.

Having experienced some of his best moments in F1 in the rain, Stroll could take heart from the situation. But the Quebecer, who has finished in the top 10 each time he has seen the finish on the Gilles-Villeneuve circuit, would not say no to a race contested on a dry track this time.

“In the past, I liked the rain,” Stroll said. But Montreal is still an avenue cool where to drive when it’s dry. But a little rain is exciting for everyone. »

“It’s always an exciting race. It’s possible to overtake, there are walls, things happen. It’s a challenge for everyone! »

Despite the drop in performance, both Stroll and Alonso manage to find positives.

A similar trend in terms of declining performance emerged last year for Aston Martin, and drivers, like engineers, were struggling to find possible explanations. This time, the problems have been identified, which makes it possible to find solutions and attempt adjustments.

“I think we are in a better position than last year,” Alonso said. It doesn’t translate into performance, but we are more aware of the situation and the needs of the car. Everything is clearer, whereas last year it was blurry. This is only the ninth race out of 24, and I believe we will finish the season in a very good position. »

Stroll agreed, adding that the time had come to right the ship.

“We have learned a lot over the last year, over the last 18 months,” he said. We have improved a lot as a team even if the performance is not there. Now we have to make the decisions we made with development and try to adjust for the second part of the year. »

“Lance drives better”

From a personal point of view, Stroll can boast that he compares himself much more favorably to Alonso this season, particularly in qualifying.

Last year, Alonso, a double world champion, qualified 19 times ahead of his Montreal teammate in 22 races. This season, the count is 4-4, or even 5-5 when adding qualifying for the sprint races.

However, the situation remains uneven in the race. When both drivers finished the race, the Spaniard crossed the finish line first five times, compared to Stroll twice. The senior is ninth in the standings with 33 points, compared to 11 in 11e step for Stroll.

In 2023, the point tally was 206-74.

Mentioning some adjustments to his driving, Stroll believes that it is above all his participation in winter testing that makes the difference. A year earlier, he had been sidelined after suffering several fractures in a bicycle accident.

“I improved little things in my driving,” he explained. I worked on this last year and at the beginning of this year. Little details, that sort of thing.

“Last year, I missed [les essais hivernaux] in full. It’s really the time of year when we can try lots of things with the car, which we don’t really have time for during the season. It makes a difference. »

“It was close last year in several practice sessions and in the race,” added Alonso. Some details can change everything. Lately, Lance has been driving better than me, he was a little faster in qualifying particularly, and then in the race, it’s difficult to regain positions. »

With this in mind, Alonso did not hesitate to play the team game card by sacrificing a few positions in the race to allow Stroll to obtain better opportunities. And although Sunday’s event will take place at home, the Montrealer will not hesitate to return the favor if necessary.

“That’s the position we’re in.” If one car is ninth or tenth and the other is 13the, we have to take the small points. You have to work as a team to try to score one or two points. These are the fights that are important for our position in the championship at the moment. »

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