Lambert Wilson severely attacks several of his young fellow actors!

Lambert Wilson is starring in the film The simple things, in theaters since Wednesday, February 22. On this occasion, the 64-year-old actor was in the RFM studios. In the show (which will be broadcast, Sunday, February 26, editor’s note), One hour with… by Bernard Montiel, the actor notably pointed the finger at the new generation of actors. “Among musicians, there is not the amateurism that there is in my profession”said the guest. “Right now I’m making a film with young actors, I won’t say their names, but they’re just learning their lines and there they are, having personal demands. If you compare yourself to musicians, you could acquire a little humility and a sense of work, of excellence”.

It stings !

Lambert Wilson will be in the cast of Isabelle Mergault’s feature film, The Golden Hands.

‘Almost relieved’ not to have been 007

In another excerpt, he revealed that he was on the list of candidates to succeed Roger Moore for the role of James Bond in 1986. He was the first choice of the saga’s historic producer, Albert Broccoli as the latter the stated in his autobiography. “It was you he wanted”said Bernard Montiel. “I think I was too young”he recalled before adding. “And then, I was French: it would have been unsaleable”. He went on to say: “Anyway, there was a moment of vertigo when you said to yourself: ‘Ah… I’m about to set foot on a territory that gives worldwide notoriety'”. A suit that “scared” to the one who played General De Gaulle. “I was almost relieved not to have had it”.

It was finally Timothy Dalton who was chosen the role of agent 007 in Killing is not playing.

See also: “Even Dubosc is more popular than you!” : Laurent Ruquier pays the humorist and causes the embarrassment of Lambert Wilson


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