Labor force: ratio of temporary foreign workers rising

The new threshold that allows businesses in designated sectors to employ up to 20% of temporary foreign workers, rather than 10%, came into effect on Monday.

This raising of the threshold will particularly affect positions that require fewer qualifications in the retail trade, restaurants, hotels and the manufacturing sector, the Minister of Labor and Employment, Jean Boulet, said in an interview on Monday. “I was told in all regions of the importance of these temporary foreign workers,” said Minister Boulet.

The speed of action by the federal government in this area has often been criticized. For example, in recent days, the chicken processing company Exceldor had announced that it had to euthanize thousands of chickens, due to the lack of foreign workers in its facilities. The processing of the files was delayed. Both the company and the union that represents workers in this sector, the United Food and Commercial Workers (TUAC, affiliated to the FTQ), had denounced the extension of the processing times for files by the federal government, from three months to six months, even a year.

Repatriation requested

Does Quebec have any guarantees that with the increase in the threshold from 10% to 20% announced jointly by Ottawa and Quebec, the federal government will speed up the process? “The guarantee, I don’t have any,” admits Minister Boulet. “The issuance of work permits is done by Ottawa. I am calling for the repatriation of this program for temporary foreign workers, so that it can be managed more effectively and in a manner more compatible with our job market, ”added the Quebec minister.

The UFCW union goes even further. When it comes to temporary foreign workers, but who have a job that would be available year-round – with a chicken processor, for example – why not just facilitate their immigration?

The program, “This is a temporary solution for a problem that is permanent. While we know that in food processing plants, we operate over 12 months, so we would need to have workers on a permanent basis. We, what we have been advocating and asking the federal government for years, is to support these workers and their families to immigrate here, to Canada, in order to be able to occupy full-time positions ” , explains Roxane Larouche, spokesperson for TUAC.

“The beauty of it, in a food processing plant, is that you can hire the couple, because there is as much work for men as for women,” she adds.

Relieved employers

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business, which represents thousands of SMEs, is delighted. “This measure represents one of the solutions put forward by the CFIB to fight against the labor shortage. 64% of Quebec SMEs are experiencing a lack of employees. These are hit hard and it is time for concrete announcements to emerge, ”commented its vice-president for Quebec, François Vincent.

Likewise, the Manufacturiers et exportateurs du Québec group welcomed the enhancement. “In a significant context of labor shortage, with more than 30,365 vacant positions in the manufacturing sector, increasing the limit on the number of hiring foreign workers to 20% is good news for many our Quebec manufacturers, ”commented its CEO, Véronique Proulx.

It should be noted that the upgrade is part of a pilot project concluded between Ottawa and Quebec. It has been extended until December 31, 2024.

“A strong workforce is essential for Canada’s economic recovery and long-term growth. This is why our government is updating the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to help immediately fill labor shortages in Quebec, ”said the Federal Minister of Employment and Manpower Development. Work and Inclusion of People with Disabilities, Carla Qualtrough.

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