“La Tofuterie”, a site that grows soybeans

“It’s my job” comes back all summer on 40 original business ideas, business creations that respond to the times. Monday, July 11, the portrait of Victor Aupetit, who believes in the development of soy as an alternative to dairy desserts.

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For the moment, it is a dessert cream intended for collective catering, companies, schools and establishments for the elderly, made from organic soybeans produced locally in several farms in Essonne. Behind this hides Tofuterie, a meeting of six friends under the age of thirty, born during confinement, with very serious concerns.“There is a question that drives us at La Tofuterie, which is how are we going to feed a growing population, with limited means and while reducing our greenhouse gas emissions as effectively as possible? “, explains Victor Aupetit.

Why soy? In particular because it does not need nitrogen fertilizers. So there are less greenhouse gases. La Tofuterie has big ambitions.

“In the immediate future, our processing tool will make it possible to produce seven tonnes per day of this dessert based on organic soybeans from Île-de-France, and in the long term, we will be able to go up to 50 tonnes per day.”

Victor Aupetit

on franceinfo

The Public Investment Bank wrote a check for 30,000 euros: Victor Aupetit thus has the feeling of being on the right wave, at the right time.

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