La Rochelle takes the lead, Toulouse stumbles, the results and the classification after the 3rd day

La Rochelle chained a third victory, during this 3rd day of the Top 14 championship. Stade Toulouse, on the other hand, did not follow. Lyon stalls against Racing, Montpellier tries to stay in touch and UBB, for its part, finally starts the counter.

The UBB is reassured against Castres (33-12)

Inefficient in front of the Tarn in-goal, the Bordelais managed to defeat Castres Olympique thanks to 23 foot stitches by Maxime Lucu, Mathieu Jalibert and Zack Holmes on Saturday, at the start of the third day of the championship. A meeting polluted by many penalties on each side. Even if they worked to multiply the playing time, the Bordelais did not know how to transform their attacks into winning actions, except after the siren. Still, after two defeats, the UBB finally manages to win a match.

Montpellier is scared in Brive (26-31)

It’s a first away game in the bag of the reigning French champion. Brive recorded his side his second consecutive loss in his Stadium. However, the Héraultais only made the difference in the last 20 minutes, against Brivistes who stood up to them for a long time. The MHR had to wait for a successful counter from their second line Nicolaas Janse Van Rensburg at the end of the match to finally take a decisive advantage.

Racing redeems itself against Lyon (32-19)

Beaten in Bayonne, Racing took his revenge against Lyon and paid tribute to Vakatawa, who had recently been forced to retire due to heart problems. The Parisians dominated the first period and when they returned from the locker room, the Lyonnais remained too undisciplined and approximate to reverse the score, despite a sterile third try and ten last minutes in front of the opposing line. Russell was able to take advantage of Lyon’s faults to investigate the penalties (5 out of 5) and ensure Racing’s victory.

Bayonne gives in against Stade Français (26-16)

Stade Français got scared against Bayonne on Saturday. Long draft, the Parisian club will have had to wait for the last quarter of an hour to tip the match in its favor. The Bayonnais will have led 50 minutes before giving in. Cruel for the Basques who were not unworthy.

La Rochelle takes a walk in Perpignan (43-8)

The step was too high for the Catalans. In Marcel-Deflandre, Perpignan was no match for the European Champion. After a meeting one-way from the first to the last minute, the Rochelais made short work of their opponent. In total, the Maritimes scored no less than 8 tries. Despite a burst of pride in the second half, the Catalans leave with their suitcases full.

Pau brings down Toulouse (26-16)

Leader of the Top 14 at the start of the third day of the championship, Toulouse fell on the ground of Pau on Saturday, thanks in particular to a double from their Australian winger Jack Maddoks. After a boring first half hour and a lot of indiscipline and clumsiness on both sides, the red card inflicted on Richie Arnold in the 52nd for a dangerous tackle, leaving the Toulouse at 14 against 15, was the turning point of the game. match. The Stade therefore lost for the first time this season, leaving the first place in the Top 14 to Stade Rochelais.

Toulon narrowly win against Clermont (30-29)

In an electric end to the match, Toulon won by a thread against Clermont. A meeting marked by the return of Mathieu Bastareaux, ten months after collapsing on the same lawn of the Mayol stadium. Dominating from the first minutes, the Toulonnais initially lacked precision offensively and solidity defensively on the rare incursions from Clermont. The Auvergnats had however offered several ammunition due in particular to bad timing in defense marked by three penalties conceded for offside. After half an hour of play, the RCT finally accelerated. In an unbreathable end to the match, Toulon finally kept their advantage offering themselves a precious victory, for the return of Bastareaud to Mayol.

All the results of the 3rd day of the Top 14


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