La Berri rectified the situation and won 3-0 at home against Avranches

The reaction with or without manner was eagerly awaited by the leaders of the United World, the group that owns La Berrichonne Football. It did take place, and fortunately, because the means deployed to reach level 2 of French football are considerable. This rebound does not mean that the Berri is guaranteed to go up to league 2 on the evening of May 13. But this success has the merit of putting this Berrichonne team back on the right track, which had gone completely adrift a week earlier.

The start of the meeting is sad. The losses of balloons multiply on both sides (0 to 0 in the 13th). Mathieu Chabert’s players are not at their best during this first quarter of an hour. The first clear opportunity is to be credited to the Normans. Captain Charles Boateng hits from the penalty spot but the ball goes over the crossbar (18th).

Thomas Robinet scores his ninth goal!

La Berri finally gets going on a tumble from Vargas on the left side. The former Montpellier player crosses from the penalty spot. He finds the head of Thomas Robinet but the ball goes over the crossbar. But this same Thomas Robinet will score his ninth goal of the season a few minutes later on a counter-attack. Robinet, on a clearance from his goalkeeper Delecroix, recovers the ball in the central circle sprints and goes to challenge the Normand goalkeeper. He won his duel and scored his ninth goal with a flat foot 1-0 (28th). The Castelroussins have found colors. they are better in the game and return to the locker room with this score of 1 to 0.

And ten for Robinet!

Back from the locker room, Thomas Robinet scored his tenth goal of the season! On a service with small onions from the rookie of the winter, Romain Basque, the striker castelroussin inherits the ball in the penalty area. It pivots, strikes and signs the double in this meeting: 2-0 in the 49th. La Berri knocks out the Normans and is doing much better in his game. Châteauroux perfectly manages his lead on the scoreboard. Clear chances multiply for the Castelroussins but the Norman defense or the goalkeeper Antony Beuve multiplies the exploits to avoid sinking, 2-0 it is always the score in the 78th. Then what had to happen happens, La Berri who continues to increase his pressure materializes. Kévin Fortuné scored the third Castelroussin goal at the end of regulation time 3-0 (90th). The score will not change in stoppage time. La Berri has fulfilled its mission and its objective in this match to win, with more manner, and start again on a sound basis.

The Castelroussins can now savor this eighth victory in eighteen days. She must call others. Why not next week on the lawn of Le Mans. But the priority objective is of course to start a series of matches without defeat because the “blue and red” will probably not win the next sixteen matches. “The further the season progresses, the harder the goals will become.“Warns Mathieu Chabert, the Berry coach, after the meeting.

In the standings La Berri is this Friday evening 6th in National but in a truncated ranking with many games late and others postponed tonight due to the COVID outbreak.

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