Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan accuse each other of ceasefire violations

A little earlier in the day, the presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan had nevertheless called on their troops to cease hostilities.

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A fragile truce. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan accused each other on Friday, September 16, of violating the ceasefire in effect at the border since 4 p.m. (local time). A little earlier in the day, the presidents of the two countries had nevertheless agreed on a suspension of hostilities.

“Despite a meeting between leaders and the announcement of the ceasefire, the Kyrgyz side started firing (…) in the direction of three villages in Tajikistan”denounced the Tajik border guards. “Violating the agreements reached, the Tajik side again opened fire on the positions of the border guards”denounced their Kyrgyz counterparts, judging the situation “always tense”.

Clashes between the two countries from central asia Start of the week have caused two deaths in the ranks of the Tajik border guards and several wounded on both sides. Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov and his Tajik counterpart Emomali Rakhmon agreed “to create a commission to investigate the cause of the incidents”emphasizing the importance of resolving their differences “by political and diplomatic means”reported the Tajik Khovar news agency.

Russia on Friday expressed its “concern”. Son Ministry of Foreign Affairs called “both parties to take comprehensive and urgent measures to (…) put an end to any attempt at escalation”. Vladimir Putin himself judged the situation of “tense”.

The border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan is the scene of regular deadly clashes. Nearly half of the 970 km border is disputed and progress in terms of demarcation has been slow in recent years. The year 2021 has seen an unprecedented number of clashes between the two sides, leaving more than 50 dead and raising fears of the widening of the conflict.

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