Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott parents for the 2nd time: the baby’s name revealed?

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott’s baby number 2 was expected as the messiah as soon as the pregnancy was officially announced on social networks. So when the 24-year-old revealed that she gave birth to her second child on February 2, a tidal wave of love swept through social media, or rather the mother-to-be’s post. It’s by a sober”2/2/22“, date of birth of the child, and a blue heart that Kylie Jenner announced the happy news in the caption of a snapshot of her baby’s hand. Kris Jenner later confirmed that it was of a boy. The first name remains a mystery for the time being, but some Internet users already think they have guessed it thanks to the clues left in the comments of relatives. According to the words chosen and the emojis that accompany them, it could be that baby’s name is Angel. One writes having “can’t wait to meet the little angel“, the other just writes “Angel Baby” next to a white heart.

According to a relative at Peoplethe name of the baby will be revealed “when Kylie is ready“. The young mother prefers to keep it for a few days for herself in order to be “sure he likes it“. In the meantime, speculation is rife but some doubt that the relatives have gone against what Kylie Jenner wishes. There would therefore be another hypothesis to decipher the messages of the Jenner clan.

More heavenly explanations have emerged. For some, the date of birth, consisting largely of the number 2, would represent a number “angelic” in numerology. Angel would therefore not necessarily be the first name chosen by the parents for the little boy but a way of underlining the celestial side of the day the baby arrived. It remains to be seen what it would have been if the little boy was born the day before, knowing that her big sister Stormi pointed the tip of her nose on February 1, 2018. Anyway, eyes are more than ever riveted on Kylie Jenner’s Instagram account, whose next post is at least as waited for his own son…

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