Kyiv besieged from all sides

As talks continued and Ukrainian officials held out hope that the war might end sooner than had been anticipated, the city of Kyiv was suffering an increased number of air raids and bombardments.

The resistance in Kyiv is presented by the Ukrainians as a strong symbol, a privileged indicator which would demonstrate the inability of Vladimir Putin and the Russian forces to impose a new government by force.

war diary | 21and day

While addressing Canadian parliamentarians yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy had previously indicated that he was open to negotiation and compromise.

His most important statement was related to the impossibility for his country to swell the ranks of NATO.

While emphasizing the need for better support from NATO forces, he could not send a clearer message to Vladimir Putin than when he said: “We have heard for years that the doors are open, but we also heard that we could not join. It is the truth and it must be recognized”.

Humanitarian corridors

While the Russian offensive continues, and despite criticisms addressed to Russian troops for not always respecting humanitarian corridors, hundreds of cars and buses have enabled civilians to leave the major cities where the bombardments are concentrated.

Thus, many are leaving Kyiv, Mariupol and Sumy to find refuge in safer areas, most often in the north and west.

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