Kristofer (Don’t forget the lyrics) eliminated: how will he spend his winnings?

It’s the new darling of Do not forget the lyrics. Since his arrival in the France 2 game on April 4, Kristofer faultless! He has even already made history by integrating the ranking of the best Maestros. Unfortunately, his adventure ended in the issue of this Tuesday, April 26, 2022 after 39 victories. The young 24-year-old Belgian who was always afraid of being eliminated each time he participated to the point of bursting into tears thus rose to 7th place among the biggest winners in the game. And he left with the nice sum of €309,000.

I did not expect to earn so much money. I was hoping to win but I didn’t expect to go that far“, he struggled to realize at the microphone of South Radio. Still, Kristofer already has an idea of ​​how to spend his money. “The first plans were to resume piano lessons. I did 11 years of piano so I would like to take lessons again in a conservatory in Brussels or in another country, after my studies. As I have a lot of money, I think I will invest it in real estate. It is symbolic money. I’ve worked hard for that money and I’m so lucky that I don’t want to waste it. I will therefore invest a large part in real estate“, he announced for the radio station.

A proof of honesty

The young man also intends to donate on the one hand of its winnings to associations, especially because he believes he has not deserved all the money in his kitty. “A chorister gave me an answer on a song, without doing it on purpose. It happens a few times. I blocked the lyrics to get the money and be able to donate it to associations“, he explained with honesty.

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