Koh-Lanta: The slimmest candidates, spectacular before / after!

Participate in Koh Lanta, it’s not a piece of cake! No adventurer can say otherwise. Between the lack of food and the physical efforts during the tests, the Robinson apprentices melt like snow in the sun. This is how they leave the TF1 survival game with a silhouette very different from the one they displayed when they arrived at the camp. Back on the most spectacular before/after of recent years.

During the season currently airing called The Cursed Totemtwo big fellows have metamorphosed. Jean Charles reveals itself incredibly thin. Indeed, the scale now displays 76 kilos which is equivalent to 18 kg weight loss for the fustier who then weighed 94 kilos during the very first episode. “I didn’t see myself like that. I’m not used. I am rather fat. It’s weird I think. Something is missing, he had declared in front of the cameras of the One. I’ve always had the habit of seeing myself a little fluffy. Suddenly, to see me dry, it’s not really my thing.” The other record weight loss of this edition goes to the firefighter Franciswhich went from 99 to 76 kilos, thus shedding 23 kilos or 1/5th of its weight !

Briceseen in Koh-Lanta, The 4 Lands in 2020, also lost many pounds during his adventure. The young blond of 1m79 had gone from 66.5 to 53.5 kilos. These 13 kilos less had made him the effect of a bomb. “I did not even think of going below 60 (…). I do not realize. I didn’t realize that. I would have liked to do Koh Lanta without losing weight, he launched very moved. It’s just amazing, it’s really a shock.“During the same season, Loïc lost 15 kilos, going from 90 to 75 kilos. A change that had not affected him as much as his comrade. “My face I prefer it like that because it’s less bouboule. At the start of the adventure, I was perhaps more like a child. I would have matured physically and mentally“, had confided the acolyte of the late Bertrand-Kamal. There is also Corentin who lost 14 kg during his adventure Koh Lanta Cambodiain 2017. During the same season, the petite Clémentine had lost 10 pounds !

The beautiful Cindywhich has two appearances in the survival game (in 2019 in The War of the Chiefs then in 2021 in the All Stars edition The legend), also melted. She had thus lost 13 kilos! In 2017, in Fiji, the big winner Andrew had lost 18 kg. On his side, Sandroseen in Koh Lanta Cambodia the same year, got rid of 16 kg. Crazy weight losses that marked the adventurers, both physically and mentally.

The most impressive before and afters in our slideshow.

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