Koh-Lanta: Fouzi, former obese: “They made fun of my buttocks …” (EXCLUDED)

They were still eight in contention in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem after the departure of Maxime and Louana last week. But this Tuesday, May 17, 2022, during the new episode broadcast on TF1, Fouzi was eliminated. The adventurer came last in a disputed elimination round against Olga and Jean-Charles. The sentence is irrevocable, so he leaves the game and joins the residence of the final jury. A blow for him that comes from afar…

At the end of the game of comfort, the two winners Bastien and Ambre must designate two adventurers who will face Olga, who arrived last, during this famous eliminatory test. The young woman chooses Jean-Charles and her comrade designates Fouzi. Surprised, annoyed but above all “happy“as he himself indicates in front of Denis Brogniart. This 28-year-old financial director says “have never been so good in life as when[il] is back to the wall“. It must be said that during its existence it has been confronted with different not obvious situations. “I have a rather particular course of life“, he concedes to Purepeople.com.

Fouzi (Koh-Lanta), “former fat” victim of racism

I’m a former fat, I’ve been obeseremembers Fouzi. I was laughed at, made fun of for that. I lost 15 kilos in one summer and became super athletic overnight. It helped me a lot. I was in college and when I went to the blackboard they made fun of my physique and my buttocks because they were big (laughs). At some point, my things no longer fit me. I said to myself: ‘Wow, it’s not working anymore, we have to stop.’And to continue:In addition I was a geek, I spent my time playing video games rather than seeing people. I wanted to arrive at high school well in my skin, well in my head and that I open up to the outside world. That’s how he spent the whole summer running. “I did not eat more, it was Ramadan and it also made me feel good“, he adds. The result was not long in coming: since then, Fouzi has displayed the sculpted silhouette of an athlete!

During his youth, he also faced racism. “I was also mocked because of my origins. I’m from a small village and they weren’t used to seeing someone with a different skin colorhe says. My last name was also a source of ridicule. I had a difficult childhood, I was very reserved.“Moments that are nothing compared to the drama of his life, the loss of his mother. “But the biggest ordeal of my life remains the death of my mother, who died six years ago. It’s a daily fight to continue my life with the values ​​it wanted to transmit to me.“, he confides. There is no doubt that she would have been proud of her son’s journey, as much as his father is today.

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