Koh-Lanta All Stars: Big lie of an adventurer in production! Denis Brogniart shocked

In Koh-Lanta, The Legend, they are only four on camp (Claude, Laurent, Phil and Jade) and three on the island of the banished (Alix, Sam and Ugo). The five finalists who will take part in the legendary orienteering test are among them. The eliminated, them, joined the residence of the final jury. This is the case of Christelle, who left the game after losing her clash against Alix and Loïc. Thursday, December 2, 2021, during a live on Instagram, the adventurer looks back on this third experience in the survival game. The opportunity for her to talk about her elimination but also and above all this big lie to the production to join the cast !

When someone calls me to ask me if I want to do it again Koh Lanta, and especially for the 20 years old, already I did not necessarily believe in it at the beginning. I said to myself, damn! I thought I was forgotten, like other adventurers. I didn’t think I was selected at all, that I was in this cast. And when I was called to leave, I said yes right away! I did not think. Me, as soon as I am offered an adventure, I say yes“, explains Christelle in front of Denis Brogniart during a live video on the social network of image sharing.

Yet very proud to participate once again in Koh Lanta, the former policewoman flew away … “without any preparation“! She explains:”When I was selected for the casting, I started to prepare myself, to do little split ends, and I tore my calf..“Denis Brogniart, surprised, learns this information, just like the Net surfers. And for good reason, no question for the ex-companion of Alexandre Debanne to reveal his little secret to the production.”I wanted to leave, and I didn’t want to be forbidden to leave. So I hid my wound. I had a month to recover so I didn’t do anything for a month, until I left“, adds the former winner (season 8, in 2008).

Moreover, when arriving in French Polynesia, during the very first women’s event, namely the famous obstacle course, Christelle panicked. “I was really not at ease. I was afraid it would drop, she admits. Finally, it did not give up and it was rather Freddy, he who trained, who masters everything, who was injured. In the end, I left like that, and it was quite successful despite everything.“Indeed, Christelle does not have to be ashamed of her beautiful career!

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