Knife fanatic engraves initials on 16-year-old girl

A knife fanatic who had a stranglehold on a 16-year-old girl went so far as to engrave her initials on his victim’s chest. Even if he regularly threatened to kill the teenager, Justice Marshall assures today that he is not a violent man.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

Louis-Samuel Perron

Louis-Samuel Perron
The Press

“I will kill you”, “I will kill you”, “I will crush your face with my feet on the asphalt”, “I will find you and I will beat you”, “I will kill you with one way or another. […] You’ll be seven feet under. »

These examples illustrate the extreme violence of the threats made by Justice Marshall to his victim. For months in 2020 and 2021, the then 18-year-old man put 16-year-old Vicky*, whose identity is protected by the court, through hell. The Crown is asking for four years in prison, while the defense is asking for less than two years in prison.

Justice Marshall was convicted last June of assault with a weapon using a knife. A year earlier, he had pleaded guilty to numerous counts: assault with a weapon, death threats, harassing communications, forcible confinement and non-consensual publication of an intimate image.

Initially, Vicky was willing to have Justice Marshall etch her initials with a knife on her chest. However, she very quickly asked him to stop because of the pain. But Justice Marshall ignored the pleas and continued to engrave the letters.

At trial, he claimed the teenager was laughing during the operation. But a photo of the result “is worth a thousand words,” said judge Marie-Josée Di Lallo, who found him guilty.

A lover of knives, Justice Marshall was sexually aroused by “knife games”. [knife play] erotic. As in the other case, Vicky first agreed to try the game, before claiming in vain that everything stop. The accused slid the blade of the knife over the skin of the teenager, from the neck to her ribs, putting pressure, but without cutting it. The victim was wearing a bandana over his mouth.

After terrorizing the victim for months by threatening to kill her, Justice Marshall shows up at her home with a 17-year-old boy. The accused then pushed the teenager against the wall and put a knife to his throat, shouting: “Don’t think I’m not going to do it”. He then punched him in the face.

The victim’s father then intervened, armed with a baseball bat.

That didn’t stop Justice Marshall from brandishing his knife and walking away with the victim. Hidden with a relative, he removed the SIM card from the victim’s phone to prevent it from being traced, then physically prevented her from leaving the apartment.

It was finally the Tactical Intervention Group of the Montreal police who delivered the victim from his executioner in a motel a few days later. Justice Marshall then wanted to kill himself and wanted the victim to imitate him.

“Ready to do anything to get out”

A red-lipped kiss tattoo sits on Justice Marshall’s neck. In the box, he tells his childhood of misery to the judge Salvatore Mascia, explaining how he was beaten by his mother and his stepfathers. Detained for a year and a half, he then complains about the difficult life behind bars.

“Bordeaux is the worst prison. I am ready to do anything to get out. Ready to work on myself, on my anger, on my social skills. I achieved a lot of things in prison,” he says in English.

“In prison, you are forced to be violent. You have to take violent action to protect yourself, ”he explains, as obvious.

Nevertheless, he is not a “violent person”, he insists. “It’s not me,” he snaps. If he regrets having hurt the victim, he continues to minimize his crimes. “I only knocked [la victime] Once. She hit me constantly, ”he defends himself.

According to the defense, the four-year prison sentence requested by the prosecution would “annihilate” the chances of rehabilitation of Justice Marshall. His lawyer, Mr.e Stéphanie Gariépy, emphasized the “difficult journey” of the accused and his “deep remorse” for asking for a sentence of less than two years, which would essentially already be served.

“He is not a monster, he is a child who has suffered,” insisted Me Gariépy during the hearing on September 30.

“It seems to be a last minute conversion”, however concluded judge Mascia, who will give his decision at the end of the month.

Me Geneviève Rondeau-Marchand represents the public ministry.

*Fictitious first name

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