Kepa Junkera, Bixente Martinez and Andoni Egaña

Kepa Junkera is one of the masters of the trikitixa, diatonic accordion, a very popular instrument in the Basque Country: he knew how to keep its traditional soul, while plunging it into the 21st century, or mixing it with other rhythms from around the world. entire.
Bixente Martinez is a talented guitarist and renowned composer.

Andoni Egaña is a great bertsulari, talented word juggler improviser, who wrote the text of the song.

“Itsasoa Belztuta”: the specter of maritime pollution

The ocean has always been used by humans, who have found there a source of food, a territory to explore, and who over the centuries have used it for trade.
Over time, these practices, overdrive, have caused damage – shipwrecks, degassing, plastic pollution… – which destroy the fauna and flora: a dramatic observation evoked in this song with rather joyful rhythms.

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