Kennel cough: more and more dogs affected

Travelers have had a very bad surprise when going to pick up their animals in the various pensions since some were suffering from Kennel cough, a usually mild infection, but which attracts special attention.

Many dogs are currently struggling with Kennel cough, while several dogs have visited boarding facilities in recent weeks and dog parks have been busy. Proximity contacts favored the proliferation of Chenil’s cough.

An increase in people calling for information about the infection in recent weeks was noted by veterinarians contacted Wednesday by TVA Nouvelles.

According to the spokesperson for the Association of Veterinary Medicine of Quebec, Michel Pépin, the vaccination operation was more difficult this year due to the COVID-19, thus causing a delay in the vaccination. It is the main weapon in the fight against Kennel Cough.

When infected, dogs should avoid crowded places, such as dog parks.

The Society for the Protection of Animals of Estrie has not reported an increase in the number of cases among its animals for the moment.

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