Kate and William, another baby to come? This question about a 4th child that bothered them…

Decidedly, this short stay in Northern Ireland will not have been easy for prince William and Kate Middleton! Invited as part of their new status as Prince and Princess of Wales, the couple, whom some said in coldness, enjoyed a walkabout during which a woman took the future queen to task, explaining to her that Ireland “was not his country“, before visiting a maternity ward where Kate Middleton was able to cuddle as many babies as she wanted.

And one of them, as often, ended up in his arms! Very tender, the mother of three children (George, 9 years old, Charlotte, 7 years old and Louis, 4 years old) seemed more radiant than ever. It must be said that she has been saying it and repeating it for years: she likes taking care of infants. Her husband immediately pointed it out to the audience: “More babies, more babies… Catherine loves cuddling babies“, he said with humor.

And one of the people present took the opportunity to ask THE fateful question: is the couple thinking of a new child in a (very) short time? At 40, both of them might want to complete their tribe, even if the three toddlers who make it up already seem to be taking up a lot of their time. And the bewildered reaction of Prince William fully confirmed it: when his interlocutor mischievously asked him: “Will you try to make another one tonight?“, this one replied “This is where it ends!“, with humour.

It must be said that this is not the first time that both have faced this kind of question. On each outing where the couple meets a child, curious people question them and each time the son of King Charles III is clear: no fourth child for them. The princess, who does not seem against a youngest, must therefore be reasonable, especially since a new birth would not be suitable for their new home. At the start of the school year, the little family indeed left London for Windsor, where they now live full time so that their children can enjoy the countryside and the fresh air. But no additional room is available, which had also forced them to manage daily life without the children’s nanny who has followed them since birth.

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