Karine Le Marchand provokes the anger of Internet users with her “gaydar”, a game in which she guesses the sexuality of subscribers

His fans appreciate him for his outspokenness. It is also for this reason that Karine Le Marchand endures and is still so loved in her role as host in Love is in the meadow. However, some of his remarks, or reactions, can sometimes shock. In addition to showing her outspokenness in the broadcasts, the host also demonstrates it on her social networks and in her stories. In particular in that of September 14 in which she revealed behind the scenes of the filming of a program.

A sequence where we could hear him swinging a few insults at someone on his team, a certain Hugo. “You don’t assume, you don’t assume what you do you bitch”she threw him hilarious. “Hugo tells the assistants that Karine can’t stand being looked into her eyes”, explains a person on the set to whom she asked to explain the situation. Meanwhile, Karine Le Marchand is bent over laughing and throws a “what a jerk”.

A game not validated by everyone

But the sequence that really made Internet users react is undoubtedly the one in which Karine Le Marchand intervenes with her subscribers to play gaydar. A game in which she uses her “radar” to discover the sexuality of her followers. A game that did not make everyone laugh and which propelled the host of Love is in the meadow in TT on Twitter.

Some did not appreciate and did not hesitate to let it be known. And others preferred to take it with humor. This sometimes gives rise to many diversions. “Today is the 7th anniversary of my coming out. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was 15, I asked myself a lot of questions. And then one day Karine Le Marchand came in my college and told me that I was gay in front of my whole class. My life changed that day…”for example dropped a user with a lot of irony while another swung: “We are not born gay, we become gay when Karine Le Marchand decides”.

See also: Karine Le Marchand takes advantage of the broadcast of the new season of “Love is in the meadow” to smash her ex “tocards”!


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