Karine Le Marchand alongside a minister: the host finally decorated

In addition to being a presenter appreciated by all, Karine Le Marchand

receives distinctions directly awarded by ministers. The proof, with
the photo published by the account of M6

on X, formerly Twitter. In the publication posted by the channel’s account, we can see the host alongside Nicolas de Tavernost, the president of the board of directors of M6, as well as the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Marc Fresneau. The latter came to present Stéphane Plaza’s sidekick with the Officer’s Cross of Agricultural Merit.

“We warmly congratulate Karine Le Marchand for having been decorated with the Officer’s Cross of Agricultural Merit by Marc Fresneau, Minister of Agriculture. Watch her documentary ‘Peasant families: 100 years of history’, broadcast on Monday, November 27 at 9:10 p.m. on M6!”announced the channel’s account.

Also see: “Love is in the meadow”: Karine Le Marchand breaks the silence on Justine’s behavior

Karine Le Marchand and her documentary dedicated to the agricultural world

Indeed, in addition to creating great stories between farmers and suitors for many years with the show Love is in the meadow, Karine Le Marchand has been involved in the agricultural world for just as many years. This is why she decided to dedicate a documentary to this world, without which our country would be nothing. In this project, the host will retrace one hundred years of agriculture in France through six families.

For this work, she opened the casting in February 2022 via her Instagram account. A few hours after launching the call, the 55-year-old host reportedly received “400 responses”. “We spent months examining everything to make a pre-selection for M6, with a map of France of the different profiles. After investigation, we met some of them, filmed and consulted their archives… The channel validated the casting in July 2022″she confided to our colleagues at Tele-Leisure. A report to be discovered on November 27.


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