Karim Duval is in search of meaning in “Y”

You may have already seen him on YouTube or Instagram with these videos! In particular that on a new religion which makes its share of follower, COVIDism:

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After having given up his life as an executive to live off his passion: laughter, who better than Karim Duval to decipher with humor this generation in search of self, meaning and fun? In a funny, cynical and self-mocking stand-up, Karim Duval is the spokesperson for all these twenty-thirty, symbols of a changing society : accomplishment at work, refusal of authority, ecological awareness, personal development, hyper connection …

All punctuated by cult characters such as the “bee yoga” teacher or the start-uppeur in trouble. Whether you belong to this generation born between 1980 and 2000, whether your children come from it, or if quite simply you recognize yourself in this quest for freedom and meaning, this show is made for you!

You can find Karim Duval in Paris and on tour

Lille, Versailles, Bordeaux, Paris, Toulous or even Nantes: Karim Duval is coming to you in 2022 with his show “Y”.

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