Kaaris: The rapper accused of violence by his ex-wife, a complaint filed against him

It is a difficult case that the prosecution of Evry will have to judge in this month of July: the rapper Kaaris has just been accused of violence by his ex-girlfriend, Linda, with whom he lived for fourteen years. According to her, the facts date back to January 2021: when the artist left her without explanation six months earlier, leaving her alone with their daughter, the 41-year-old young woman goes to his house to obtain explanations but finds him with another woman, Marion.

And that’s when, according to her, things got out of hand: Linda admits having damaged the car of her ex’s new partner, which would have caused a fit of anger at home. jostling her, he allegedly dragged her into the garage before hitting her with punches and kicks, and would have pulled out his fingernails without Marion intervening.

A few days later, she actually went to the gendarmerie with a doctor’s certificate relating to the marks, but only filed a handrail against him, according to her “out of fear for his safety“, while his ex-boyfriend “would try to silence her so that her career would not be tainted“. A complaint will be filed at the beginning of the week, when she strongly reproached him for his affair on social networks and that she demanded much more money from him to raise their daughter.

When asked, the rapper strongly denied the alleged facts, explaining through the voice of his lawyer that he himself would file a complaint for slanderous denunciation. “His ex-girlfriend poses as a victim because she is the attacker. It is a method, alas, very banal and which is doomed to failure. Justice will do its job is it’s a very good thing“reacted Me Yassine Maharsi, the rapper’s lawyer and his new companion.

She had also filed a complaint for harassment and for the degradation of her car by seeing the videos released on social networks, in which she was strongly attacked by the ex of Kaaris. As a reminder, in 2018, Kaaris was sentenced by the courts to 18 months in prison suspended for a highly publicized fight at Orly airport with another rapper, Booba.

Roman Polanski remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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