Kaaris, separated dad and deadbeat? His ex and his girlfriend clash, Booba gets involved

Accused of being an irresponsible father by his ex-wife Linda, with whom he had a little girl born in August 2016, Kaaris has since rebuilt his life with a young woman named Marion P., with whom he has been in a relationship since 2020 Questioned by journalists from the Parisian, the young woman confided to being harassed by the ex of her companion and even threatened with death. A refugee in the south-west of France, the young woman has already filed a complaint against X for harassment and damage to a private vehicle (Linda allegedly broke the mirrors of her car in the past) and wishes to complete it with the offense of attempting to ‘extortion.

In an anonymous letter, she recounts being nicknamed “the husband thief“and be ordered to pay otherwise”it is the hospital [l’] waits“.”We want 200,000 euros and he accepts L.’s terms or everything. We are preparing a complaint. He’s not ready for what’s going to happen, would indicate the mysterious crow of the letter. Anxious, she continues:They call me at night, they insult me, it has become hell.

As a reminder, for a few days Linda – the former companion of Kaaris – has created the scandal by revealing that the rapper was not paying child support for his daughter. Separated after fourteen years of living together, the young woman for her part rose up against Marion’s statements at the Parisian but also from one of Kaaris’ friends who claimed that the artist sent large sums of money for his daughter.

We swim in delirium. He leaves her the house he paid for and he transfers 2,000 euros to her every month! They weren’t even married. She takes him for a Russian oligarch“, was indignantly close to the rapper. Linda on the contrary said on Snapchat to have trouble making ends meet because of the stinginess of her ex. “All for a money story. Now I’m scared, I lock up. This woman needs to leave us alone. I didn’t steal his life. I just want to be left alone.” explained Marion to Parisian.

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