Justin Trudeau’s whirlwind visit to Ukraine

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrived in kyiv, Ukraine, for a whirlwind visit on Saturday morning. He paid homage to the soldiers who perished since the beginning of the war by placing a wreath of flowers on the commemorative wall of the Saint-Michel-au-Dôme-d’Or monastery.

This is the second time that the head of the Canadian government has visited the Ukrainian capital since the start of the war led by Russia, which invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. He had been there in May of the same year, to announce the reopening of the Canadian Embassy and to offer its support to the Ukrainian people. He was then accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, and the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly.

Mr. Trudeau is accompanied again this time by Ms.me Freeland, who has Ukrainian origins.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs went to kyiv on an official visit last February.

The surprise visit on Saturday comes as a counter-offensive by Ukraine against Russian forces seems to be taking shape in the south-east of the country. The Prime Minister’s visit was organized in the greatest secrecy for security reasons. Earlier this week, the destruction of a hydroelectric dam on the Dnieper River flooded many localities in southern Ukraine, worsening an already difficult situation in the bombed region.

Canada is an ally of Ukraine in the conflict between it and Russia. More than $8 billion has been granted by the Canadian government to Ukraine to contribute to its efforts to repel the Russian aggressor, including the dispatch of eight Leopard 2 battle tanks to support the Ukrainian armed forces.

With The Canadian Press

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