Justin Trudeau at the Calgary Stampede

(Calgary) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent his Sunday in Calgary, where he was greeted by a majority of supporters as he enjoyed a pancake breakfast before visiting the Stampede site and delivering a speech at an event -benefit.

Posted at 9:53 p.m.

Colette Derworiz and Bill Graveland
The Canadian Press

The famous Stampede Rodeo, an annual ten-day event that celebrates the cowboy lifestyle, has become a staple for politicians of all stripes.

Justin Trudeau showed up wearing a white cowboy hat and dressed in a red plaid shirt and jeans. His presence has become a tradition in recent years.

“It’s a time to come together and celebrate being able to come together again. Good to see everyone in person again. Happy Stampede! “Launched the Prime Minister early Sunday at a luncheon hosted by Calgary’s only Liberal MP, George Chahal.

Mr. Trudeau briefly referred to the consequences of COVID-19 on major events before playing the game of flipping a few pancakes.

“It was difficult years, where people had to stick together to get through the pandemic and we could really see the strength of a community,” he said.

“We face new challenges with the war in Ukraine and the global inflation crisis, but at the same time, we see again and again Canadians rolling up their sleeves and helping each other. »

A single protester showed up with a Canadian flag to shout “traitor” a few times before being quietly escorted out of the parking lot to the other side of the street.

Mr Trudeau was mobbed by supporters as he moved slowly through the crowd, posing for photos, hugging children and shaking hands.

The whole thing was repeated at the Stampede site, where he went to find Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek and several of the rodeo organizers.

Mayor Gondek commented on the visit saying it was nice to chat with the Premier about the Stampede and their shared responsibilities.

Several people commented favorably on the Prime Minister’s visit to the Stampede, while a few isolated critics were also heard.

After more than an hour of walking on the site of the event, Mr. Trudeau had to leave to go to a benefit event of the Liberal Party in a brewery in the northeast of Calgary.

He took the opportunity to discuss the federal-provincial agreement on child care, federal assistance during the pandemic and the commitment to defend democracy by supporting Ukraine.

Justin Trudeau has promised that the government will continue to “protect people’s backs” in the face of rising inflation and supply chain problems.

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