Justin Trudeau and “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”

For anyone who has read the bestseller global, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is intended to be a pop-psycho initiation to the very serious philosophy of stoicism.

Are you wondering what I’m talking about? Think about AA prayer.

“My God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Essentially, it’s about learning to focus your energies on what you can control and, above all, learning to make the right choices.

Easier said than done you might say! Certainly.

Not in the case of Justin Trudeau, he made his own. What matters is hoping to keep power. Guess this one is as intoxicating as the drink…

Sad truth

He is not wrong when he points out that “citizens don’t care which level of government is responsible for what.”

For all those who struggle to find adequate housing, the jurisdictional disputes between Quebec and Ottawa are quite fruitless.

  • Listen to the Latraverse-Bock-Côté meeting with Emmanuelle Latraverse via QUB :

However, he thus demonstrates the simplism criticized by his rival Pierre Poilievre.

Because when Ottawa goes it alone, under the pretext of “helping the world,” it ends up further complicating a patchwork of complex programs.

It’s like trying to put a square in a circle.

But the slogans are evocative. Ministers have learned the refrain: “we must ensure a fair chance for each generation.”


What does all this have to do with China?

Listening to the testimony at the Commission on Foreign Interference, we get the impression that the Trudeau government has the same reflex.

“Basically, Canadians don’t care about Chinese interference.”

Indeed, it is far from the priorities of the thousands of people in food banks or waiting for surgery for more than a year.

And yet, we learned in recent days that the state knew that China was going to try to prevent the conservatives from winning 7 to 9 strategic counties. The Canadian state knew that a New Democratic MP was also targeted.

Photo Agence QMI, JOEL LEMAY

But all these beautiful people were never alerted.

Ugh, 7, 9, 10 seats, not enough to swing the election!

That says a lot about our leaders’ respect for the value of the voters’ vote.

Oh, and Justin Trudeau knew that his candidate Han Dong had brought in busloads of Chinese students to ensure his nomination.

Well, too bad if they’re not citizens, they’ll make sure we win the county.

Hang on

In 2015, Justin Trudeau promised that hope and work would ensure a better destiny for Canada.

No one would dare question the fact that he still believes it.

Moreover, the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck wants to convince us that “sometimes everything goes wrong and we have to accept it.”

The Liberals are not there yet.

In light of the pre-budget hand-wringing and complacency toward foreign interference, one wonders if they have confused the common good with their electoral fortunes.

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