Justice: courts set up destocking sessions


France 2

Article written by

A.Lay, G. Marque, M.Cazaux, J.Martin, E.Piquereau – France 2

France Televisions

Faced with the accumulation of cases, some courts decide to set up special sessions called “destocking”.

The courts are often inundated with cases accumulated for several years awaiting treatment. However, justice wants to remedy this, especially in Meaux (Seine et Marne) where the court tried a new experiment. Carry out special sessions in order to “destock”. They take place once a week, the aim is to reduce the backlog.

For years, files have piled up in a room in the city court without being processed. Drug trafficking, sexual assault or even fraud that have often required a long investigation work. “It’s a fairly classic bottling phenomenon. That is to say that we judge cases which are urgent in priority, which makes all the more wait cases which are not “, explains Catherine Mathieu, president of the court of Meaux (Seine et Marne).


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