justice again suspends government authorizations

Ministerial decrees allowed hunters from Gironde, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne and Pyrénées-Atlantiques to hunt more than 100,000 wild birds at the beginning of October.

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Same motive, same result. The Council of State suspended, Friday, October 21, authorizations for traditional lark hunting granted in certain departments by the government, satisfying the associations which accuse the President of the Republic of having wanted to give a gift to the hunters.

The interim judge of the Council of State, seized by the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO) and One Voice, considered that the decrees issued by the government on October 4 risked contravening European law on the protection of birds and that there was so “a serious doubt as to their legality”according to the decision consulted by AFP. “The Council of State inflicts yet another snub on Emmanuel Macron who persists in wanting to authorize these medieval practices and already deemed illegal under pressure from hunters”reacted on Twitter the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

“My dream would be for the Ministry of Ecological Transition to take care of the birds that are disappearing rather than to offer leisure to hunters”declared to AFP the president of One Voice, Murielle Arnal, raised against the minister Christophe Béchu. “He had said (in front of the deputies, editor’s note) that he would wait for the decision of our appeals last year to authorize or not these hunts”, she added.

A year earlier, in October 2021, the decrees authorizing traditional hunts for larks and other birds (thrushes, blackbirds, lapwings, golden plovers) had already been suspended for similar reasons, via the same procedure. urgency of the referral. But the decision on the merits of these cases has not yet been rendered. The hearing is to be held Monday before the Council of State.

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