Juliette Prat, champion in yellow and blue but in love with blacks and whites

It is in Lubersac that the young Juliette Prat comes to recharge her batteries whenever she can. The last time was during the Christmas vacation window. “This is where I grew up, in kindergarten, elementary school, middle school. This is where it all started. I have my family and my friends in Lubersac“. It is after, to follow a course with her studies that Juliette emigrate to Auvergne, in Issoire, until playing with the yellow and blue jersey of ASM Romagnat.

I didn’t think I would get there when I started rugby

The young girl who started at the Entente de l’Orcs, a rugby school bringing together from Lubersac to Saint-Yrieix, even became last year French champion with Asm Romagnat by beating Blagnac. A pride and a great reward: “it’s a lot of emotions. I didn’t think I would get there when I started rugby at 6 years old. The choices and the work paid off. It rewards all the investment and sacrifices, including from my family ”.

CA Brive, his favorite club despite everything

Juliette Prat and her teammates with the shield of Brennus

A title that takes absolutely nothing away from his love for CA Brive. His memories of blacks and whites? A meeting where she had taken a picture with Antonie Classen and where their curly hair was “a long tuft of hair“, but also this match where Jean-Baptiste Péjoine against the penalty of a draw in 2016 (Brive-Toulouse). “I lived there my first matches as a supporter“says Juliette Prat. That promises when the derby will be played again. Her attachment is visceral.

I have a particular attachment to this club

My father played CAB as a youngster. My brother the same. My mom did athletics in Brive. The stadium is the 1st big stadium where I went. These are the first rugby matches that I have seen. This struck me. I have a particular attachment to this club. I am for Brive, even if it earns me a few rooms“she admits, smiling. In the meantime, this Saturday, she should resume competition with ASM against Bobigny in Romagnat.

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