Julien (Star Academy) loses his temper in the middle of class, Lucie Bernadoni forced to intervene to get him out

A true sanguine person, Julien has the habit of reacting strongly when he is not satisfied with himself… And especially when it concerns his passion, namely singing. Thus, since his arrival at the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys, It is not uncommon for teachers and classmates to try to calm the young man’s tantrums, who are very demanding of himself.

For example, following his evaluation on December 11 during which the latter had forgotten the lyrics of his song, the latter had failed to give a point to a wall before mysteriously disappearing from the live…

A worrying absence that his sister had justified on the Web: “For those who are worried, Julien is in good hands. Please respect his emotions and not tarnish his image like this”she wrote before her brother finally reappeared.

See also: “I apologize in advance”: Djebril asks to leave the castle

A new angry episode

In the daily life of star Academy

broadcast on Thursday December 21, 2023, viewers of the first channel were able to see that Julien was once again out of his depth. In the middle of rehearsal, the student suddenly became angry because he was unable to achieve a note.

“It pissed me off […] not being able to make a major note, I’m too stupid too”, he blurted out in the middle of class with Lucie Bernadoni. “It came together suddenly,” added the singer.

A behavior commented on by his comrades. “Julien takes everything seriously, he starts like clockwork, I think it’s a shame to get angry over such trivial things (..) calm down, there’s nothing really,” judged Djébril in front of the camera. While Axel for his part launched: “Can we move forward”, completed by Pierre : “Because Julien is having a fit…”.

Lucie Bernadoni then invited the academician to leave the class for a few minutes. “You’ll be back in three, four minutes.”demanded the tutor…


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