Julien eliminated… The candidate balances on his nightmarish daily life at the “Star Academy”

The start of the new Star Academy season was given on October 15 on TF1. Since then, the candidates have given their all to try to win the competition. Unfortunately, only one of them will have the chance to win this edition. Each week, students are therefore eliminated. The latest? Julian. Despite his talent, the young man failed to convince the public during the last prime. This Saturday, November 12, 2022, he therefore left the adventure. A very trying adventure according to him. Guest of Yann Barthès on the Daily set this Monday, November 14, 2022, the former student of Laure Balon was able to return to his experience within the castle.

“I took a lot”

Between ” the rats, the absence of a telephone, the dormitory “, and “ the toilets “Julien came out exhausted from the Star Academy. ” For me, it was mostly fatigue. Fatigue played on everything, on the pressure, on the stage fright… I took a lot this week “, he confided. Words confirmed by Stanislas. ” The brain is always in overdrive since we are working on a song and then we have to go to dancing and singing lessons. It’s great, but suddenly, we spend our time, during breaks, reviewing our songs, because we know we have a bonus, because we want to do well, because there are evaluations… So there is stress “Explained the one who shared the microphone with Arthur Teboul of the famous group Feu! Chatterton.

Despite an intense and emotionally rich adventure, Julien and Stanislas lived an unforgettable moment. Intrigued, Yann Barthès therefore wanted to know more, but according to the budding singers, their promo was “pretty wise”. No gossip in sight… Unlike other years!


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