Julien Courbet makes a big decision before the holidays: his daughter follows him, he gets clashed!

While many congratulate him, others are rather virulent. “Do not be in bad faith, re-read the tweet where I say that everyone does what they want. I never said not to eat it. Swallow foie gras if you want, I don’t eat it anymore, that’s all. But you pretend you don’t understand“, replies Julien Courbet to an Internet user who says he is proud to continue to eat this culinary specialty often tasted during the end-of-year celebrations.

Then, after several tense discussions, the host gets annoyed. “Be careful, I’m going to block 3 or 4 random haters morons, he warns, still on Twitter. If you are in the lot I’m sorry, but suddenly playing the lotto you are obviously lucky in the draw!“Since then, he has certainly cleaned up and concentrated on the finer things in life, such as his bond with his dog Simone, adopted a few weeks after the death of Vega, the family’s previous four-legged companion.

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