Jubillar affair: Cédric’s new companion “could have seen” Delphine’s body

Disappeared during the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, Delphine Jubillar is still and still very much sought after by the police. And according to recent information unveiled by our colleagues from Parisian, this Thursday, December 16, 2021, this legal case could take a new turn since Séverine L – the current companion of Cédric Jubillar – was placed in police custody on December 15 for “suspicion of complicity in the concealment of a corpse“.

According to the sources of the weekly, the gendarmes hear Séverine L. since she “might have seen“the body of the nurse and would have”knowledge“on the place where he is. Police custody”which is based on new elements“, recalls a source close to the case which could last 48 hours. However, the current companion of Cédric Jubillar is not the only one to be heard. Six men, including his eldest son who is a great friend of Cédric, are also questioned on this court case.

After having repeatedly proclaimed the innocence of her companion in the media, Séverine L. previously gave a completely different portrait of Cédric Jubillar to the gendarmes. This strongly aroused the suspicions of the latter. As a reminder, the 44-year-old woman living in Lescure-d’Albigeois, near Albi, had indicated that the 34-year-old plaster craftsman was a “narcissistic pervert“, a “mythomaniac” and even “bipolar“.”Looking back, I never really saw him looking for his wife. In fact, I accompanied her to a rally a few weeks ago. I felt like he was just going to show off“, she had explained to the investigators, mentioning to have noticed a change in the behavior of Cédric Jubillar, become very”detached from the case“.

Placed in pre-trial detention in Seysses (Toulouse) remand center since June 18, indicted for “murder by spouse”, Cédric Jubillar continues to proclaim his innocence. After making a first request for release, the husband of Delphine Jubillar recently reiterated this request. A release which was not accepted by justice.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent until the final judgment of this case.

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