Joyce Jonathan, his daughter Ghjulia is 1 year old: the singer reveals a tender photo

This Tuesday, November 2, 2021, Joyce Jonathan has decided to unveil a pretty mother-daughter portrait to her subscribers. Very discreet by nature about his family life, the 31-year-old artist has this time decided to show off his little Ghjulia a little more on the occasion of her birthday.

Via her Instagram post, the beautiful brunette made a tender statement to her little girl. “1 year that I hold you close to my heart, 1 year that I listen to you breathe at night to check that all is well, 1 year that I find life more real than ever“, can we read. And to continue:”1 year that I am a Jewish mother (and understand mine), 1 year that I love you like crazy like a movie star, 1 year that you are my princess. Happy birthday my Ghjulia.

For the occasion, the young mother had planned a photo shoot to immortalize as it should be the very first birthday of her daughter. Photographed by director Juliette Leigniel, the interpreter of Today’s girls (feat. Vianney) poses proudly while tenderly holding her daughter in her arms. Always so protective, Joyce Jonathan however took care not to show the face of her baby.

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