Joy Hallyday and her “fake sister” violently attacked, the answer is perfect

A few evil spirits took malicious pleasure in recalling that Jade and Joy had been adopted and therefore had nothing in common: “They are not sisters, the same blood does not run in their veins. Nor Johnny’s”, “Not even sisters, two adopted Vietnamese who play it bling bling and chilly. […] Go help your families instead. Simply shame on you. But with the adoptive mother you have, you shouldn’t be surprised at the upbringing” can we read in particular.

These criticisms were obviously countered by benevolent Internet users, anxious to teach a good lesson to unscrupulous authors: “Joy, as you can see, the snakes are out and spitting their venom. Above all, don’t change”, “Ah jealousy! What does that mean… They are magnificent and well brought up and their parents are Laeticia and Johnny, the bond of the heart is as strong as that of blood… They are right to take advantage of the life.

A relative of the clan even spoke directly to Joy to defend her: “Forget it sweetie, it’s not even worth answering. In addition, she has a fake account not even the courage to put her real account. pathetic, jealous.” To which the girl retorted: “No, my best friend, it’s not worth it.“A nice snub that says it all and proves that Joy is indeed determined to live only for the best from now on…

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