journalist Rémy Buisine will file a complaint after being beaten during the May Day demonstration

The Brut journalist was hit with truncheons and kicked by officers while he was on the ground.

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CRS intervene during a demonstration, May 1, 2023 in Paris.  (VIRGINIE SEILLER / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

“I am being targeted intentionally.” Brut journalist Rémy Buisine announced Thursday, May 4, his intention to file a complaint against the police, for the blows received during the May 1 demonstration in Paris. In this video, I am on the ground after having received a blow from a shield, a policeman turns away to put a truncheon in my shoulder, a second in stride will kick me in the head “he explains, with supporting images.

His employer will also be a civil party. Rémy was identifiable with his press armband”says Brut on Twitter.

The Paris police headquarters reacted quickly, ensuring that an administrative investigation had been opened. This investigation will also look at the grenade used the same day against the journalist.

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