Jordan Michallet: The rugby player’s wife, pregnant, speaks after her suicide

It is a very tried but courageous young woman who spoke this Sunday, March 6, 2022 in the Channel Rugby Club. Noémie Michallet, pregnant, lost her husband Jordan a few weeks ago. He killed himself due to depression related to his job as a professional rugby player. Under constant pressure, the young man cracked during a decisive week.

The problem is that it went very, very quickly. In a week, everything went downhill. And Jordan didn’t dare to talk about it, or else too late. I know that, at the Rouen club, if they had felt Jordan, they would have been there for him. They would have helped him, they wouldn’t have let him down. Unfortunately, a player is always ashamed to admit his weaknesses, ashamed to say he is bad or tired“, she explained, very dignified, to the journalist Isabelle Ithurburu.

Her husband, who hadfear of judgment“, lived a “small week, with a drop in morale“, but had above all “some pressure because the club found itself near the relegation zone. But he still had that smile on him. We had just done our child’s ultrasound and he was very, very happy to know that we were expecting a baby girl.“. A baby who had made the young man say, on January 1, that this year was going to be “the most beautiful of [sa] life, with the construction of [sa] family“. A sentence that had not really given his wife a chance of suicide a few days later, “a gesture that is the reverse of Jordan“. Especially since the future dad was serious about his work.

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