Jogger found in Mayenne: the inhabitants of Saint-Brice are worried



Article written by

T. Cuny, C. Verove, J. Vitaline, T. Paga, L. Piednoir, S. Guillemot, M. Beaudoin, G. Liaboeuf – France 2

France Televisions

Lisa, the 17-year-old jogger, was found safe and sound on Tuesday night. The investigation continues while the circumstances of his disappearance remain mysterious and raise many questions.

In Saint-Brice (Mayenne), Thursday November 11, the police device set up in front of Lisa’s house, the young jogger, was lifted. The 17-year-old was found safe and sound on Tuesday evening. According to her first statements, she says she was kidnapped and then kidnapped before she managed to escape. But for the moment, the police have not made any arrests.

The inhabitants of the town say they are worried and wonder where the potential kidnappers are. “My 9-year-old daughter goes to school in Saint-Brice on foot. There, she is a little paralyzed at the idea of ​​going alone ”, explains a resident. Not serene, the father of the family hopes to be able to arrange provisionally with his boss or that of the mother of the little one to be able to accompany him. “We don’t know who we might come across”, says a woman who is also worried.


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